Structural Integration

What is Structural Integration? Structural Integration (SI) is a therapeutic process that uses various techniques and modalities of manual therapies to help bring you into an improved, more efficient structural and functional balance. SI aims to optimize the body you...

Why Tension Is Needed For Integrity

Tensegrity & the Body Tensegrity is an elision of ‘tension + integrity’. Buckminster Fuller, building on the highly original sculptures of Kenneth Snelson, coined the term, to indicate that the integrity of the structure derived from the balance of tension...


What Determines the Shape of Our Body? Jobs, lifestyles, mental frameworks, emotional states, the way we exercise, all of these things one way or another effect how our bodies adapt. As we age, our bodies mold to the environments that we put them into. In the modern...

How Training Works

YOUR SOLUTION TO TRAINING, REHAB, PREVENTING INJURIES, OR JUST IMPROVING THE HEALTH OF YOUR BODY! Train Rugged is a protocol of physical training and bodywork that allows optimal functioning and healing to take place. It is a blend of movement patterns, joint motions,...

New Year

Heading into the New Year means different things to everybody. Some see it as the time to make that change they’ve been wanting to make, and for others it’s another day in the life. I mean after all, you can make a resolution to change any time you want, right? Being...

Bones: They’ll Be Here Long After You’re Gone

I studied with an osteopath who once told me, “listen to your bones…they’ll be here long after you’re gone.” There’s great wisdom in that offering. Our bones are, contradictory to popular belief, soft tissues that make up our skeleton. Inside of them we have bone...
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