Get Started with a Personal Trainer & Sports Massage Therapist
The more access we have to ourselves, the wider spectrum of feelings we have. When we have access to those feelings, we can become more of how we envision ourselves to be.
Train Rugged aims to give you a workout and body that can withstand demanding challenges, whether in sport or your daily life. Personal trainer & sports massage therapist Rob Stephenson trains you according to your body and lifestyle, and uses deliberate methods and sports massage techniques that promote longevity of the body, promotes immune function and the elimination of negative stress and inflammation.
Sustainability is the key to a long and healthy life of training. Is the way you exercise sustainable for years and years to come? Are your joints and tissues aligned in such a way that there isn’t negative compression happening on your body? The joints and muscles with the most capacity to withstand stress and adapt to stress will be the ones that will last a lifetime. Ask yourself: do you train in a sensible way that arranges your body, joints, and muscles for optimal functioning so that they don’t aggravate you?
Train Rugged is a protocol of fitness training and bodywork that allows optimal functioning and healing to take place. Each time we meet we assess, train, relax, reassess, repeat.
Rob uses his 14+ years of expertise as a personal trainer, sports massage practitioner and bodyworker to align your body for efficient, pain-free, high performance movement. It doesn’t matter if your focus is on sport or you seek more bodily comfort in your day-to-day. Rob makes your joints and body his priority, and does all he can to make them feel more youthful. This is typically done through sports massage and bodywork—myofascial and pressure point work—and physical training—corrective exercise and kinetic sequencing.
The vision is to build injury-resistant joints through movement patterning and muscle conditioning. With a focus on injury prevention and joint performance, Train Rugged helps guide you to a healthier feeling body. By training the muscles to load eccentrically as well as concentrically, your tissues become elastic and pliable, resulting in less bodily pain, spine issues, and joint aberrations.
Performance & Prevention
Improve how your joints function and restore more of their ranges of motion so that injuries can be prevented and a thing of your past. This is prehab, rehab, and performance all in one!
Decompression & Efficiency
Decompress the spine and joints by using muscle lengthening exercises that will help give your body explosive power, balanced muscles, and global stability day to day.
Hydration & Circulation
Build your body from the inside out and bottom up (or top down) to improve the quality of connective tissue and create a more robust circulatory system.
Stress & Pain Management
Train in a way that helps decrease stress responses in your body and acquire the tools to manage stress or inflammation as it comes.
Training To Promote Immune Function
Training using a multi-systems approach helps strengthen the immune system to ward off diseases and illnesses
Energy Absorption & Transference
Improve your fitness and notice the difference in your structural integrity (posture) by experiencing your strength, stamina, and flexibility increase. Having efficient energy transference across tissues is key to health and growth.
Recovery & Reintegration
Help tissues grow and heal. Rid yourself of metabolic waste through concentrated exercises, active relaxation, and other mind centering techniques.
Cognition & Coordination
Work your mind and memory as well as your coordination through intentionally sequenced exercise programs designed to stimulate your brain and body.
Cardiac Health & Breath
Strengthen your cardiac muscles and arteries through breathwork and diaphragm control, which will improve your muscular endurance and stamina.
Reflexivity & Recoil
The more responsive and adaptable your joints become, the more you can develop long, lean, elastic and explosive muscle tone across your entire body.

Ready to take the first step towards improving the way you feel and function? Take advantage of my offer for a free consultation. I offer personal training, sports massage and bodywork services in Santa Barbara, CA. Through a holistic approach to physical fitness and whole-body wellness, I can help you be your best self.