by admin | Nov 29, 2018 | alignment training, Anatomy, Anatomy in motion, Anatomy Trains, Biomechanics, Body Care, Bodywork, bones, core, Efficiency, Fascia, functional movement, Functional Patterns, functionality, healthy joints, Human Movement, Joint health, Joints, Mental Health, Motion, Nature, Physical medicine, Physiology, Psychology, Restorative, Rotation, Rugged, Spatial Medicine, structural integration, tissue health, Train Rugged, TVA
I studied with an osteopath who once told me, “listen to your bones…they’ll be here long after you’re gone.” There’s great wisdom in that offering. Our bones are, contradictory to popular belief, soft tissues that make up our skeleton. Inside of them we have bone...
by admin | Aug 24, 2017 | alignment training, Anatomy, Athletic performance, balance, bipeds, Blog, body, foundation, Glutes, How to Work Your Glutes, Human Optimization, Human Performance, Human potential, Joint control, Mobility, Nervous System, Physiology, Rotation, Rugged, Spatial Medicine, Spiral, structural integration, sustainability, Tensegrity, training
JOINT CONTROL: ARTICULAR STRENGTH Today’s lesson is a brief introduction to osteokinematics and arthrokinematics. You don’t need to memorize them, but all you want tot know is that one is the description of a body part at the site of a joint and synovial...
by admin | Jun 19, 2017 | Adductor strength, Athletic performance, balance, Biomechanics, Conditioning, deep core, Efficiency, Fascia, Power, Practice, Rotation, Spiral, Transverse plane
WALK, RUN, OR THROW: GAIT 101 When it comes to movement we’ve got three dimensions to move in; sagittal, coronal, and horizontal. Most exercise routines are done in the sagittal; front to back. When it comes to coronal (frontal) and horizontal (transverse)...