by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | alignment, alignment training, Anatomy, Anatomy in motion, Bodywork, bones, Breathing, core, deep core, diaphragm, Efficiency, embodiment, foundation, functional movement, Functional Patterns, Gait, Human Movement, Human Optimization, Intrinsic stability, Joint control, Joint health, Kinesthetic, Muscle Association, Muscle balance, Personal Training, Physical medicine, Physical therapy, psychosomatic, Spatial Medicine, Spiral, stamina, structural integration, Tensegrity, tissue health, Train Rugged, TVA
What is Structural Integration? Structural Integration (SI) is a therapeutic process that uses various techniques and modalities of manual therapies to help bring you into an improved, more efficient structural and functional balance. SI aims to optimize the body you...
by admin | Oct 19, 2019 | alignment, alignment training, Anatomy, Anatomy in motion, Anatomy Trains, Efficiency, elasticity, embodiment, Finding center, fitness, flexibility, foundation, functional movement, Functional Patterns, functionality, gait work, Hip flexors, hip knee ankle, Human Optimization, Human Performance, improve performance, Improved Cognition, Intention, Intrinsic stability, Joint control, Kinesthetic, Muscle Association, Muscle balance, Nature, Nervous System, Optimization, Personal Training, Physical medicine, Postural correction, Posture, Practice, Spatial Medicine, structural integration, sustainability, sustainable, swimming, Tensegrity, tissue health
Tensegrity & the Body Tensegrity is an elision of ‘tension + integrity’. Buckminster Fuller, building on the highly original sculptures of Kenneth Snelson, coined the term, to indicate that the integrity of the structure derived from the balance of tension...
by admin | Jan 5, 2019 | Center, Efficiency, elasticity, embodiment, Food, Functional Patterns, functionality, Gait, Growth, health, Healthness, Human Performance, Intention, Motion, Nature, Nervous System, Nutrition, Optimization, Physiology, Posture, Power, Practice, Psychology, Rugged, Spatial Medicine, structural integration, sustainability, sustainable, Tensegrity, Train Rugged, training
Heading into the New Year means different things to everybody. Some see it as the time to make that change they’ve been wanting to make, and for others it’s another day in the life. I mean after all, you can make a resolution to change any time you want, right? Being...
by admin | Dec 6, 2017 | Anatomy, Anatomy Trains, Biomechanics, bipeds, Blog, Body Care, Bodywork, Efficiency, embodiment, functional movement, Functional Patterns, gait work, health, Kinesthetic, Motor Control, Nervous System, Optimization, Personal Training, Rugged, Tensegrity, Train Rugged, training
There are three ways to physically change your body in a way that promotes healthy growth. None of them are easy, but mindbody connection isn’t an easy path. However, after years of practicing and bringing my awareness to it I can say that I think it is an...
by admin | Aug 29, 2017 | alignment training, Anatomy, body, Body Care, Efficiency, embodiment, Mental Health
21st Century: A Bronze Era We are living in a pivotal time in human existence. Technology is booming, the environment is dwindling, over one-third of Americans are overweight, and we seem to be getting sicker, lazier, and more stressed than previous years. Don’t...
by admin | Mar 13, 2017 | Anatomy, Athletic performance, body, embodiment, functionality, training, Uncategorized
I get asked all the time, “Rob how do I get better?” ‘Better’ is relative to the circumstance at hand, but generally speaking the person I’m training is asking about how to improve the functionality, stability, and strength of their body....