by admin | Oct 19, 2019 | alignment, alignment training, Anatomy, Anatomy in motion, Anatomy Trains, Efficiency, elasticity, embodiment, Finding center, fitness, flexibility, foundation, functional movement, Functional Patterns, functionality, gait work, Hip flexors, hip knee ankle, Human Optimization, Human Performance, improve performance, Improved Cognition, Intention, Intrinsic stability, Joint control, Kinesthetic, Muscle Association, Muscle balance, Nature, Nervous System, Optimization, Personal Training, Physical medicine, Postural correction, Posture, Practice, Spatial Medicine, structural integration, sustainability, sustainable, swimming, Tensegrity, tissue health
Tensegrity & the Body Tensegrity is an elision of ‘tension + integrity’. Buckminster Fuller, building on the highly original sculptures of Kenneth Snelson, coined the term, to indicate that the integrity of the structure derived from the balance of tension...
by admin | Oct 11, 2019 | bones, Breathing, Breathing exercises, Center, Conditioning, deep core, Finding center, fitness, Food, Food as fuel, functionality, Gait, gait work, Intention, Intentional, Intrinsic stability, Joint control, low back pain, Mental Health, Mobility, Physiology, Posture, Power, SMFR, Spatial Medicine, Stability, strength, structural integration, sustainability, sustainable
The Ramifications of Improper Body Use Are Big Now more than ever before, people are suffering from degenerative diseases. There is no coincidence that this has happened since we begun using our bodies less. What is interesting is that connective tissues; tendons,...
by admin | Sep 16, 2019 | alignment training, Anatomy, Anatomy Trains, Back to center, balance, Biomechanics, Body Care, Bodywork, Breathing, Conditioning, Efficiency, Finding center, functionality, Gait, Health Coach, Healthness, healthy joints, Human Optimization, Human Performance, Human potential, Motor Control, Optimization, Personal Training, Physical medicine, Physical therapy, Posture, Spatial Medicine, Tensegrity
YOUR SOLUTION TO TRAINING, REHAB, PREVENTING INJURIES, OR JUST IMPROVING THE HEALTH OF YOUR BODY! Train Rugged is a protocol of physical training and bodywork that allows optimal functioning and healing to take place. It is a blend of movement patterns, joint motions,...
by admin | Jun 19, 2018 | alignment training, Anatomy in motion, Anatomy Trains, Back to center, balance, Biomechanics, Body Care, Breathing, Center, Conditioning, core, diaphragm, Efficiency, elasticity, endurance, Finding center, Nervous System, Optimization, Physiology, Posture, running, Spatial Medicine, Stability, structural integration, sustainability, training, Training with purpose, TVA, yoga
MAKING YOUR HEAD SPIN So the last post seemed anything but simple. I talked about your heart rate, arteries, and all the moving systems that are involved on a daily basis. My hope is that by the end of this post you have somewhere solid to start that you can then...
by admin | Mar 22, 2018 | alignment training, Anatomy in motion, Anatomy Trains, Back to center, Bodywork, Center, Finding center, Gait, Growth, Human potential, Joints, Kinetic Chain, Personal Training, structural integration
CENTERING DEFINED How do we define center? Typically people will say, “the middle of something”. So what does it mean to “be centered”? One might say that being centered means not being high or low, mad or sad, right in the middle. And so if...