A New World

A New World If there was a world you had never been to, and it was safe. Would you travel there? And if in that world there were answers to questions you have, and it was safe to investigate it, would you travel there? This is a concept I’ve been playing with for a...

Exercise: What Is At Stake

The short, fast, and dirty is…our body’s health is at stake.   A Big Debate If you’ve seen any of my other posts, you may start to get the feeling that I’m not the biggest fan of “exercise”. Sure, I use the word every day, but that’s only to get my messages...

How Deceleration Changed Me

GOING TILL THE WHEELS FALL OFF: NOT SUSTAINABLE Deceleration is defined as the reduced speed or rate of something, or the act of slowing down. Slowing down, aka decelerating, changed me. And I intend to tell you how. What do I mean by ‘changed me’? Well...

Functional Training Advice: Part 1

The buzz is out everybody, functional training is in. But what is functional training? Everybody seems to have a gimmick, in a moment I’m going to share my gimmick, but seriously, wtf is functional training? A lot of times, programs and trainers are going to...

Glute Max: How To Load

Evolutionary Biology If you study anthropology, you’ll learn that one of the ways that humans came to rise above other animal classes is that we stood up. Our jaws got smaller as our brains grew larger, and eventually this led to us picking up our heads, and so...
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