Kinesthetic Literacy Part 1: Muscle Function

Issue: No Anatomy Classes Adults, kids, pretty much nobody on this planet is being exposed to anatomy education. Kinesthetic literacy has been oriented around sports, dance, and thats about it. And even these complex scenarios where movements are taught, they...

Basics 101: Quadped with Resistance

Think “create core tension when you breathe out” and as you breathe in, “relax into the floor, fill the back of your shirt with your spine”. But DO NOT let go of the tension you created, be sure to maintain tension on abdominals   This...

Your Core: Why You Need to Understand your TVA

YOUR INNER SPRING SYSTEM Today I want to take a moment and explain to your about your transverse abdominis, aka your TVA. Your TVA is a barrel-shaped layer of your abdominals, and it helps keep the ribcage and pelvis connected. It attaches at several areas of your...

What Are The Best Exercises As You Age

Your Anti-Gravity Subsystem There’s no stopping it, time is coming for you, and each one of us. The only chance we have to beat it is to improve our biomechanics and understand how to rebuild the spring system in ourselves. The spring system is the pliability...

Frontal Plane Front Rack Lunges

  You can never do enough unilateral work in your training. One of the reasons I enjoy this alternative to traditional sagittal plane lunges is because you work your adductors and lateral stabilization of your pelvis. If you ever watch somebody run or walk,...
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