Bone Density: Building A Sturdier Frame

21st Century: Aging Us Faster In case you didn’t know, there are several deteriorations that occur in our body as we get older. The two main ones are bone demineralization and muscle or fascial dehydration. Bones become brittle and muscles develop stiffness. This...

Basics 101: Quadped with Resistance

Think “create core tension when you breathe out” and as you breathe in, “relax into the floor, fill the back of your shirt with your spine”. But DO NOT let go of the tension you created, be sure to maintain tension on abdominals   This...

Hip Rotators: Are You feeding Your Glutes?

JOINT CONTROL: ARTICULAR STRENGTH Today’s lesson is a brief introduction to osteokinematics and arthrokinematics. You don’t need to memorize them, but all you want tot know is that one is the description of a body part at the site of a joint and synovial...

Re-balancing Muscles, Fascia, and Joints

Bring Back Biomechanics Pain is not meant to be part of training! Sadly it’s becoming the norm for most people in a gym to have chronic pains or ongoing injuries, and although a lot of it is the mentality of believing that “it is a part of working...
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