Three Ways To Change Your Body

There are three ways to physically change your body in a way that promotes healthy growth. None of them are easy, but mindbody connection isn’t an easy path. However, after years of practicing and bringing my awareness to it I can say that I think it is an...

Training Like a Human: What Nature Teaches Us

s Want to see and experience truth? Observe nature. Go out in nature and be in it, listen to it, feel it. Reconnect with what it means to be human. Nature was here way before we were. We were born out of it and into it, through gestation to birth. Sadly, modern day...

Hip Rotators: Are You feeding Your Glutes?

JOINT CONTROL: ARTICULAR STRENGTH Today’s lesson is a brief introduction to osteokinematics and arthrokinematics. You don’t need to memorize them, but all you want tot know is that one is the description of a body part at the site of a joint and synovial...

Your Core: Why You Need to Understand your TVA

YOUR INNER SPRING SYSTEM Today I want to take a moment and explain to your about your transverse abdominis, aka your TVA. Your TVA is a barrel-shaped layer of your abdominals, and it helps keep the ribcage and pelvis connected. It attaches at several areas of your...

FRESH: An Acronym For Life

BALANCING THE HUMAN SYSTEM As I’ve grown in the fitness and health industry the hardest part to train in myself and clients has been balance. Building muscle, a routine gym schedule, or even working to achieve certain strength goals has always been the easier...
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