Spinal Bracing: Avoiding Rib Flare

Understanding how to isometrically brace the spine serves us a lot of good. If the core muscles aroud the spine can understand how to ‘brace’ then we can progress more confidently into the next stages of training- that is, integrating the extremities of...

Functional Training Advice: Part 4

The last and most important thing in deciphering whether or not your training is “functional” is to ask yourself, is it purposeful? Do you have a reason behind your training plan? Does what you do for that one hour each day promote wellness and health in...

Functional Training Advice: Part 3

The next “functional” must is to train yourself in an integrated manner. Meaning, get out of the sagittal plane, and work some frontal or horizontal plane exercises, move in every direction available to you. Mix isometrics in with motor-control movements,...

Functional Training Advice: Part 1

The buzz is out everybody, functional training is in. But what is functional training? Everybody seems to have a gimmick, in a moment I’m going to share my gimmick, but seriously, wtf is functional training? A lot of times, programs and trainers are going to...
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