Glute Max: How To Load

Evolutionary Biology If you study anthropology, you’ll learn that one of the ways that humans came to rise above other animal classes is that we stood up. Our jaws got smaller as our brains grew larger, and eventually this led to us picking up our heads, and so...

Three Ways To Change Your Body

There are three ways to physically change your body in a way that promotes healthy growth. None of them are easy, but mindbody connection isn’t an easy path. However, after years of practicing and bringing my awareness to it I can say that I think it is an...

Kinesthetic Literacy Part 2: New Language

“Parlez-vous Français?” Learning a New Language Body mechanics (ie; flex, extend, bend) are a language, just like any other industry. As a trainer it becomes my job to teach you, the mover, how to understand this language through the application...
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